Wednesday, August 26, 2020
The Rise And Fall Of Hitler Reich Essays - Adolf Hitler,
The Rise and Fall of Hitler Reich title = The Rise and Fall of Hitler Reich The Rise and Fall of Hitlers Reich Feeling that everything was lost, Hitler shot himself on April 30, 1945. By orders officially given by him before his passing, SS officials drenched Hitler's body in gas and consumed it in the nursery of the Chancellery. Not long after the self destruction of Hitler, the German powers gave up. The war was authoritatively finished; nonetheless, the world was just starting to understand the degree of its shock. The ascent and abrupt fall of Hitler sensationally affected individuals and countries around the globe. On Easter Sunday April 20, 1889, at a hotel called the Gasth of Zum Pommer, the spouse of an Austrian Customs official brought forth a child, Adolf Hitler. He was the fourth kid to the guardians of Alois and Klara Hitler of Austria. Hitler was a decent understudy. He took singing exercises and sang in the congregation ensemble. At the point when he hit a pre-adult age, he started to revolt. At the point when Hitler's father procured a top positioning activity in the military, he needed his child to try sincerely with the goal that he may turn into a government employee. Hitler needed nothing of it. He needed to turn into a craftsman like he generally envisioned. One of the educators in his secondary school characterized youthful Hitler as famous, cranky, stubborn, self-important, and bad tempered. He has an undeniable trouble in fitting in at school. He did all around ok to get by in a portion of his courses yet lacked the capacity to deal with subjects that didn't intrigue him. A long time later, his previous classmates would recollect how Adolf would insult his instructors and attract portrayals of them his school journals. After forty years, in the meetings at his central command which created the record of his casual conversation, Hitler reviewed a few times the educators of his school days with hatred. They had no compassion for youth. Their one article was to stuff our cerebrums and transform us into educated chimps themselves. On the off chance that any understudy indicated the smallest hint of inventiveness, they aggrieved him determinedly. Adolf saw no genuine motivation to remain in secondary school. He left school at age sixteen without a leaving authentication. In September 1907, Hitler ventured out from home taking with him all the cash left to him by his dad, who had kicked the bucket a couple of years sooner. The cash would be sufficient for educational cost and board at the craftsmanship school in Vienna. The Vienna School of Fine Arts had severe passage necessities. In the wake of taking the starter assessment, the candidate was approached to submit drawings. Scriptural drawings were generally liked. Hitler's drawings were returned saying they were excessively wooden and excessively dead. He was dismissed. He attempted three months after the fact and didn't move beyond the starter test. His craftsman vocation was finished. His mom kicked the bucket two months after the fact on December 21st 1907. Hitler moved into a condo with his companion in Vienna. He professed to be an understudy living off his family members cash. He read numerous books and participated in the Austrian government meetings . Hitler discusses his life in Vienna as five years in which I needed to gain my every day bread, first as an easygoing worker, at that point as a painter of little fools. He stood around about the avenues and was eager. He painted water postcards and hawked them in the city. He drew a few promoting banners for such things as cleanser, cigarettes, and antiperspirant. In 1913, Hitler moved to Munich. Life was very little better there until the First World War began in 1914. While numerous individuals were terrified and tragic at the idea of a universal war, Hitler was charmed. He held the position of corporal, and in forty-seven fights he served on the Western Front as a dispatch sprinter, conveying messages to and fro between the cutting edges and the officials in the back. His boldness during one of these missions earned him the Iron Cross, a profoundly valued decoration for fortitude that was once in a while granted to a minor corporal . On October thirteenth 1918, a month prior to Germany gave up to the Allies, his good karma ran out. At the point when Hitler and his individual dispatch sprinters were holding up in
Saturday, August 22, 2020
How to Fix the 500 Internal Server Error in WordPress
Inside server blunders in WordPress are the most noticeably awful (otherwise known as. http blunder 500). They give no genuine data about the issue and are once in a while real server blunders (ie: for the most part your server is working fine).In this article, Ill attempt to comprehend this inward server mistake in WordPress and tell you the best way to dispose of it: The main thing that is sure is that the blunder is brought about by some activity that turned out badly on the sites end. Especially in WordPress case, this can imply that a content that is a piece of a subject or a module accomplished something it shouldnt have done, and now your server has crashed.Dont sweat, however, there are some acceptable solutionsHow to determine 500 inside server errorMost of the time, you can have the 500 inward server mistake comprehended in 6 steps:1. Turn on debuggingWhenever WordPress tosses you a white screen of death or a server blunder, I suggest turning your troubleshooting on. While this may not fix the issue, it might give you more understanding into whats going on.You can turn troubleshooting on by altering your locales wp-config.php document. Once youve got to this document, look for WP_DEBUG inside. On the off chance that you discover it, you ought to have the option to set it to valid. In the event that you dont see it in there, youll need to make it yourself. In any case, toward the day's end, you ought to have a line that resembles this:define( WP_DEBUG, valid );Once spared, reload your site to check whether anything has changed. On the off chance that youre fortunate, the server mistake may vanish and may be supplanted with an alternate blunder, one that really discloses to you where the issue is.If this is the situation, investigate where the blunder is found. In the event that it is inside a module organizer, incapacitate that module, the blunder ought to go away.Even if turning on investigating doesnt give you an incredible outcome, it is a smart tho ught to leave it turned on until the issue is settled. It will give you and any designers more knowledge into whats going on. Dont neglect to turn investigating off once everything is an alright and youre finished with the maintenance!2. Deactivate all modules and switch themesIf you approach your dashboard, you ought to deactivate all your modules and see whats what. On the off chance that your site loads without the server mistake the issue was with one of your modules. You can turn them on individually to make sense of which one caused the issues.You can likewise change your subject to a default, unaltered WordPress topic like Twenty Fifteen or Twenty Sixteen. In the event that the site loads without the inside server blunder, the issue was inside your theme.Ive seen that many of these mistakes are really brought about by modules, so this will be your best bet.3. Check your .htaccess fileThe .htaccess record, on the off chance that it exists, contains various principles that guid e the server in specific conditions. It is usually utilized for modifying URLs or forestalling access to your site for malevolent intent.Use your FTP editorial manager and check in the event that you have a .htaccess record in your WordPress root envelope. You may need to ensure your FTP manager records concealed documents before you do this.If there is a .htaccess document there, cause a reinforcement and afterward to erase all the substance inside, or the entire document. This may evacuate some significant guidelines, however on the off chance that the inner server blunder was brought about by a misstep inside the record, this will disclose to you.If the mistake is currently settled, the issue was with the .htaccess document. Take a stab at reestablishing the document and afterward erasing squares of it. On the off chance that sooner or later the site begins working, you realize which hinder the issue is in. You can limit it down to a solitary line like this for the most part. You would then be able to evacuate that line or approach your engineer or your host for additional assistance.4. Increment your memoryIve never by and by run into this issue, however Ive heard that expanding your memory cutoff may assist I with accepting this is a greater amount of an issue in shared conditions. To complete this, open your wp-config.php document in the WordPress pull catalog and quest for WP_MEMORY_LIMIT. In the event that it exists, change the incentive to something like 64M. On the off chance that it doesnt, glue the accompanying line into the file:define('WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '64M');If this works then youve just comprehended the issue incidentally. Odds are that you have a broken piece of code some place (which could be an outsider module) that is debilitating your assets. In the event that your host has observing accessible, investigate your asset utilization with different modules on/off to improve thought of what is squandering those valuable megabytes.5. Ask your h ostThere are a couple of exceptional issues which can prompt inward server blunders in WordPress, yet now it might be ideal to ask your host. The issue could be an authentic server issue, which they can at any rate affirm and they can likewise see things like record consents and other sources.Or, you may very well need to change to a superior host that has servers that are more upgraded to run WordPress locales. This doesnt must be costly. There are has that give you an alright WordPress experience for as meager as $0.8 a month.6. Reinstall WordPressI shouldnt figure this would help much of the time, however there are some edge situations where a reinstall of WordPress could fix the issue. It might even fix record authorization issues along the way.To complete this, I suggest adhering to the manual WordPress Update guidelines in the WordPress Codex, or ThemeIsles own manual for introducing WordPress.SummaryInternal server blunders in WordPress are generally not brought about by real server issues. More often than not, they can be revised moderately effectively utilizing the techniques portrayed previously. If all else fails, consistently ask your host, they have unmistakably more modern instruments than you do to find and fix issues.I consistently suggest turning on investigating while youre working things out and precluding module and topic issues since this is the thing that any help specialist would ask your to do first, or they would do it without anyone else's help. The most effective method to fix the 500 inside server #error in #WordPress ðÿ ¤â€"
Tuesday, August 18, 2020
Confident public speaking
Confident public speaking 6 Ways to Speak More Confidently in Public Home›Tips for Students›6 Ways to Speak More Confidently in Public Tips for StudentsSpeaking in public pursues us from school and it doesn’t want to give up on us. Starting from someone’s wedding and ending on the important presentation at work, public speaking makes you anxious and frightened. You start swallowing words and panicking after the first look at the huge audience. Yet, it doesn’t have to end like this. You can overcome your fear and learn to speak confidently in public.Efficient public speaking techniquesFeel confident about your subjectThe first thing that makes you feel uncertain is unawareness. If you don’t know your topic inside out, you will be nervous. Moreover, the audience will understand that you’re lacking the knowledge. So, the key to managing public speaking anxiety is preparation. Plan your speech, highlight your strong sides and naturally avoid weak places. You’re confident when you know exactly wha t you’re talking about. Watch your tone, speed, and pronunciationSpeaking in public is not similar to your everyday conversations. That’s why you need to practice your speech out loud. Don’t speak too fast, the audience needs to follow your thoughts and not to fall asleep. Practice with articulation and pronunciation of difficult sounds and words. When you’re nervous, you may chew sounds and babble words. So, speak a little before coming on stage.Memorize your planA lot of people do the same mistake trying to memorize the whole speech. If they succeed, the speech seems lifeless. What’s worse, if they don’t, they’re stuck in the middle of the stage unable to say anything. To avoid this situation, write down a good logical plan of your speech, possibly with some short comments to each paragraph. In such a way, you can develop each point in your own words and continue your speech naturally.Do the impressive openingFrequently, speeches started with the phrase “when I was asked to give this speech…†are doomed to bore the audience. On the contrary, the impressive and sharp phrase at the beginning that presents the main idea awakens the audience and calls attention to the presenter.Make it to the pointNothing works better than a simple short presentation filled with enough bright facts, sharp phrases, logical structure and sensible conclusion. Don’t complicate your life with the unnecessary information. Make it brief, but powerful.A simple smile may change the atmosphere, trick your brain or calm down nerves a little bit. Besides, it makes you look more confident.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
The Underworld Adventure of Aeneas in The Aeneid
Virgil imbues his Hades, as well as his Elysium, with a substantiated and understandable raison detre , and in the process corrects the notions of his predecessor [Homer in the Odyssey]. For Virgil, the Underworld must be categorized and organized as well as justified: thus the grouping of the souls of his Hades by reason or nature of punishment.Interaction and Reaction in Virgil and Homer Underworld Issues Here are some of the unanswered questions about the mythology of the Underworld that are left at the end of the nekuia (Underworld scene) of Book XI of the Odyssey, by Homer: Why was Elpenor upset that he hadnt been buried?Why was it said that Tiresias, of all mortals, was permitted to keep a clear head about mortal matters?Why were the shades of the eternally tortured, Sisyphus, Tityos, and Tantalus, near each other? The view of the Underworld presented in the nekuia is alien from modern views of death. Its hard to understand what went on when one adheres strictly to Judaeo-Christian visions of Hell. On this page and the next are some insights into the Homeric Underworld, based on references to Vergil. The Aeneid, by Vergil (or Virgil), was written many centuries after Homers Odyssey. Despite a few centuries, Vergil is chronologically closer to Homer than we are. Vergil is a good model also because he deliberately patterned his work on Homer and elaborated on it, and he lived in a milieu where Homers writing was still very much a part of the common culture since Homer was at the heart of the routine education of children. Therefore, Vergil tells us something about the Greco-Roman (pagan) Underworld that we should know to understand Homers nekuia. The striking similarities and close contrasts between the Underworlds of the two poets make it painfully obvious that Virgil was strongly affected by the ideas instilled in Homers text. How exactly he reacted to this burden, however, and how he attempted to justify his own work and separate it from that of Homer: these are the difficult yet ever-important questions. In re-creating Homers Hades, and in the process facing up to his predecessor, Virgil exhibits clearly his desire to re-work Homer, to complete and perfect the vision of the earlier poet.Interaction and Reaction in Virgil and Homer Reasons for Going to the Underworld HomerOdysseus goes to the Underworld for help getting home.VergilAeneas goes to pay a duty call on his dead father Anchises. Underworld Guidance HomerThe help Odysseus seeks comes from the prophet, Tiresias, in the Underworld and the sorceress, Circe, among the living.VergilAmong the living, Aeneas seeks the guidance of the Sibyl at Cumae, a priestess of Apollo who speaks inspired prophetic utterances. Among the dead, he seeks the counsel of his father. Warnings HomerCirce calms his fears and instructs Odysseus on how to travel.VergilThe Sibyl tells Aeneas how to proceed but warns him that while the trip to Hades is easy, the return voyage is limited to the select favorites of Jupiter. Aeneas must be divinely chosen if he is to return. This isnt all that terrifying a caveat, however, since he will know in advance whether he will be able to make the trip. In order to start the journey, the Sibyl says he must find a golden bough sacred to Proserpine. Should the gods not want him to proceed, he will fail to find it, but he does find it. In the guise of two doves, Venus, Aeneas mother, guides him. Unburied Dead Like Odysseus, Aeneas has a dead companion to bury, but unlike his predecessor, Aeneas must bury him before proceeding to the Underworld because the death has contaminated Aeneas fleet (totamque incestat funere classem). Aeneas does not initially know which of his companions has died. When he finds Misenus dead, he performs the necessary ceremonies. Misenus lay extended on the shore;Son of the God of Winds: none so renowndThe warrior trumpet in the field to sound;With breathing brass to kindle fierce alarms,And rouse to dare their fate in honorable arms.He servd great Hector, and was ever near,Not with his trumpet only, but his spear.But by Pelides arms when Hector fell,He chose Æneas; and he chose as well.Swoln with applause, and aiming still at more,He now provokes the sea gods from the shore;With envy Triton heard the martial sound,And the bold champion, for his challenge, drownd;Then cast his mangled carcass on the strand:The gazing crowd around the body stand.162-175 Slightly different from Odysseus, Aeneas has 2 men for whom he must provide funeral rites, but he doesnt find the second until the Sibyl has taken him to the shores of the River Styx, past the companions of Death: Famine, Pestilence, Old Age, Poverty, Fear, Sleep, and Disease (Curae, Morbi, Senectus, Metus, Fames, Egestas, Letum, Labos, and Sopor). There, on the shore, Aeneas finds his recently deceased helmsman, Palinurus, who cannot cross over until he is given a proper funeral rites. Proper burial is impossible since he was lost at sea.
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Critical analysis of research Evidence Free Essay Example, 1250 words
Validity: What has been found to be the major strength of this study was that it made use of five research tools in an effort to gather the data needed. The tools were composed of observation, surveys, and health assessments (Abbott et al. , 2006). Even if three among the five research tools were made by VAP group created, they can be considered valid as it went through face validity when it was administered to a pilot group. Unfortunately the reliability score of the instruments were not revealed. Statistical Analysis: The statistical tools used included a t-test and a multivariate analysis of covariance. Applicability to the Setting: As a whole, this study has not really established whether the adoption of the clinical practice guidelines can make a significant impact in reducing the incidence of VAP. Research Study Title 2: Supine Body Position As A Risk Factor For Nosocomial Pneumonia In Mechanically Ventilated Patients: A Randomised Trial. Summary: This study was made to find ou t if a semi-recumbent position can help decrease the frequency of nosocomial pneumonia in patients (Drakulovic et al. ,1999). The subjects were divided into two groups with one group having a semi-recumbent body position and the other a supine stance. It was found that the group positioned in a semi-recumbent way had less tendency to develop nosocomial pneumonia in comparison to those positioned in a supine set up. Problem Statement and Research Question: This study was very focused on only one question and that was to find out how frequent nosocomial pneumonia develops when patients have either a supine or semi-recumbent body position (Drakulovic et al. ,1999). We will write a custom essay sample on Critical analysis of research Evidence or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now Supporting Literature: There is not much of a review of the literature in this study. There were only four researches incorporated in the study and one is not directly related to the case of nosocomial pneumonia. Validity: The patients were given equal and regular amounts of treatment to ensure that the likelihood of developing the pneumonia can be prevented (Drakulovic et al. ,1999). The subjects were randomly assigned to the two groups by means of a computer generated list. These efforts could decrease the possibility of intervening factors from affecting study results. No reliability measure was mentioned. Statistical Analysis: The tools used in the study included an interim analysis, a univariate analyses, Fihser’s exact test, and Student’s t test (Drakulovic et al. ,1999). In answer to the research question, the interim analysis showed that there is a significant decrease in the development of pneumonia in the semi-recumbent group at p=0.003.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Letter to a friend Free Essays
Dear, I understand that you have been looking for a class to help you with your writing skills. While this is not a writing course, I believe that this class will be able to help you because it is designed to help students understand and appreciate literature. The name of the class is English 2120WWW. We will write a custom essay sample on Letter to a friend or any similar topic only for you Order Now  It offers teachings on the works of the likes of Robert Frost, John Steinbeck and Ernest Hemmingway. The course outline covers many areas that are useful. There are sections that are devoted to drama, which include the works of Arthur Miller and David Mamet. The next section covers poetry and includes the works of Robert Frost, Wallace Stevens, TS Elliot, Elizabeth Bishop, Allen Ginsberg, Sylvia Plath, and Robert Pinsky. This section also offers the works of Asian poets such as Cathy Song and Li-Young Lee. If you remember, these poets included in the poetry section each contributed to the development of poetry by introducing a unique style that has appealed to all generations. Perhaps the part of the lesson that you will enjoy is the section on fiction which discusses the works of Mark Twain, Sarah Ome Jewett, Katherine Ann Porter, Edith Wharton, and William Faulkner. It also has a discussion on the works of Ernest Hemmingway, John Steinbeck, Richard Wright, Kurt Vonnegut and Eudora Welty. The discussion of these works will be perfect for your studies because the class offers a discussion of all of this material. There is also a discussion by peers in this class that is directed by the instructor. I must advise you, however, that this class is not easy. There are requirements that one has to complete in order to complete this class. The work includes submission of written papers and essays on the pieces of literature that have been discussed in class. In order to succeed in this class, it is imperative that you read all of the material that is assigned by the instructor. You must also not just understand the material that you are reading but also analyze the elements of the writing. While it may seem that there is a lot of work to do, it is really not that tedious because the material is presented in a manner that is enjoyable. There is a perspective that is provided that allows the student to see deeper into these works. This method teaches the students how to properly appreciate and emulate the works of the masters. I recommend that you take this class because there is so much that you can learn from it. How to cite Letter to a friend, Essay examples
Monday, May 4, 2020
Website Design A Case Study
Question: Task for this assignment is to carry out a user-centred design project and to write a report describing, explaining, and justifying your work and the results. The design brief is as follows: Employing a user-centred design methodology, and paying attention to existing research on human cognition, affect, and sociality, design a website to support the activities of a shared interest club with which you are familiar. This could be any sort of club focused on any sort of interest at all think of things like a book club, a golf or other sport society, a cinemagoers club, or a meditation and yoga practice. - An Introduction that defines the design problem, context, and scope. It should include a description of the club and their activities, and a clear focused description of the activities or problems that you want to address in your website design. - A brief literature review that (a) contextualises your design decision making in terms of existing research that may have a bearing on it and (b) introduces the literature on the user-centred design approach. - A Method section that describes and justifies the user-centred design methodology that you have used - An Analysis section in which you show how you used the user-centred design methodology to make design decision and come up with design ideas that would support the groups activities. Use diagrams, sketches, and textual description as relevant. - A Discussion or Conclusions section that pulls together some of the most salient issues that arose in the analysis and that reflect on the use and usefulness of the methodology. Answer: Introduction to Svaroopavidya Fig1 : Design of Website Calmness,peace,serenity,ease is what Yoga gets a person. But Svaroopa claims to do it differently with some extra physical efforts you need to put for the yoga poses your mind is totally quiet and you find the inner peace you have always been looking for. Or should I say your mind would be too tired to think about anything other than your body. Svaroopa Trainers say Yoga is an art full of grace which when combined with a little bit of compassion lets you find your inner self in a way so as to never loose ones senses to the situations. Trainers even claim after attending svaroopa you will certainly be able to differentiate between other yoga classes and ours so much as to never lose the calmness. Google says nowadays Yoga is a sport, with people competing in yoga championships for gold medals in the west. Its not much as the sages of our country meant it to be, but theres no harm in it. Moreover these championships contribute to the increasing popularity of the sport throughout the world. Svaroopa has a wide network of training centres with professional trainers and Swami Nirmalananda teaches and preaches her teachings here as well. Helping you to see your soul and the divinity that lies inside. They also provide scholarship, membership and training on their website. Dates for workshops being as and when are also mentioned on the calendar present on this site. Design Issues of the Site: First things first when we click on the first About Us tab there are no dates mentioned. Not a single one, being a yoga centre they must be having a foundation date at least. No history is mentioned about the site creation, starting of the centre etc. When we click on the Login tab on the right top panel we get a page like below Fig 2: Issue in design In the above image we can see a large section of the page or should I say div allocated to the Training Plan, Event Schedule. And we click on Sign up again what we get is a page with a LogIn with Facebook and inside the login box we have been here, new to this site? Descriptions for already existing users and new users respectively. From the above page its very confusing for a user on how to get back to the Login Page. In the Course Calendar dropdown we have number of options. When we click on Course Confirmation Dates of the dropdown we can see all the options from the same dropdown are visible on the right side of the main page itself. No navigation bar is present on the top to go back to a certain page. When we click on Freebie tab on the right side top of the main page we can find Quick Links which has nowhere else been mentioned at all. When we click on Teachers Directory we get a message our new directory will come up soon, and links for existing Teachers directory. When we click on Existing Teachers directory we are redirected to a totally new page with no navigation tab to get back and on the right top panel all the links like Contact us, About Us dont have any separation characters between them appears like all belong to a single word. In the Right Top Panel Shop Tab in the Home Page when you click on any item to shop it directly gets added to cart, the product or its price nothing is displayed. On the Home Page the Upcoming Events Calendar is stagnant. To see the upcoming events you need to click on the calendar itself. EZine being an online magazine deserves a better place and space then the Right Top Bar. Under Membership tab there is no explanation of the Ashramite membership. And under Membership Drop Down there are no options all of those are placed under the same page of membership itself. These are displayed as links instead. The Search field is working fine though but should have a Search written on it to grab attention. Design Resolutions: As per the above discussed issues of the Website, I suppose the site needs to be more user oriented. From a users perspective I would say when it comes user friendliness the site does not make a stand among the Top sites. It still needs a whole lot of work. Apart from being user friendly the site seems lot more static then others in the same domain with every link opening a new page, the design I suppose is not up to the mark. Spelling mistakes ex: Ouick for Quick on such a site followed by people worldwide is not acceptable. No navigation menu is also a drawback for the site, a navigation be provided. For some tabs instead of having options in dropdown everything has been mentioned on the main page itself with different links. The opening of a new page on the clicking of a link should be avoided to make it precise and specific. The website should be more organised. Even the Logo of the Site should be given some more place for display. The menus being displayed in the right side of every page should not be displayed there, Instead they should be displayed on the left side of the page to make it more readable and user friendly. The Sign-Up Page needs to be designed to be a bit more simple.And there should be an option to Log In with your Google Account as well. The New User Box should contain just a New User, Click Here Button instead of First name, Last Name fields and so on. The design should follow a basic paradigm, instead of all the mix and match done. Suggested Designs: Fig3: Suggestion for design I strongly recommend the above design for the current website. Whenever it comes to Worldwide Accessed Sites the design if not anything else needs to be user friendly and totally organised. The links in every page that open a new page every time on click should be removed instead it should be displayed on the same page itself. The shopping Site needs Improvisation with images of items along with their price being included on the page. The EZINE online magazine deserves a lot more space. The Membership tab needs to get organised with the types of Membership being shown as options on the Dropdown, and on click it should first give a brief description about the membership what it includes and then the price for getting it should be mentioned. There needs to be a navigation tab so that user at any moment of time can return to a previously visited page. The Event calendar should be more dynamic then now. It should keep displaying the updated one after another same as the Events being displayed on the right or with a simple moving-upward motion. Instead of Contact, It should be Contact Us in the Top right panel of the website. In the About Us there should be foundation date for the site and organisation. There should be a tab to tell a new user about the places where the workshops are held and the cities where the ashrams are located. Images of the Yoga Poses should be used on the site to increase a users interest in joining the site. Based on the study of various online sites the above mentioned points should suffice to make the site better look and feel wise as well as user friendliness wise. Conclusions: Going online is what the funda and fact of life is nowadays. For any organization it is important to design their websites in such a way so as to gross public attention more and more. Website is what makes an image before any layman about an organisation. So its an important asset for any and every company. Its up to an organisation on how to highlight their individual aspects. From the above case study on svaroopavidya we can say that sometimes organisations neglect the basic designing policy which leads to a bad experience for every user who visits that page. A good web experience for any user just comprises of simplicity in designing policy of a website. And an organised website is simpler to surf. Websites are an important part of marketing strategy as well. If you want your organisation o be good in sales, people should be impressed with the look and feel of your site as well, only then a customer is ought to buy products/register on your site. This should be kept in mind by every organisation.
Monday, March 30, 2020
Reggaeton Vs Rock free essay sample
Choosing between two Important music genres Today exist In music much variety of musical genres, all different, with different artists, songs and rhythms. Precisely the Reagent and Rock are two of the genres with more booms in the world. While others say this whole controversy that has had the reagent in these last days. Which of the two genres will be most appropriate for our youth and sons? Rock or reagent?Its a broad question and responses, as there are many songs with different messages that lead to the population in general, UT especially to the youth who are most in need of positive pulses and music that magnify inside as people. Reagent and rock were born at different times and historical contexts and not others also compare and contrast them to find their similarities and differences. The rock is an ancient genre, has more significance that reagent, takes longer on the market and Is much better known and diverse the genre of reagent. We will write a custom essay sample on Reggaeton Vs Rock or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Often older people can enjoy more the rock than the reagent. However young people are Identified more with reagent. Genres have many introversion, many people are grouped according to their musical preference, and some groups are rockers and other regenerators. The rock is a musical genre of the twentieth century and contemporary times which are born each derived musical genres of rock and roll. Usually interpreted, among many other instruments normally added, with guitar, drums, bass and sometimes keyboard instruments such as organ, piano, or synthesizers.Rock developed various submerges, such as soft rock, hard rock, progressive rock, heavy metal and punk. The rock submerges of the asss include new wave, new romantic, glam rock, synch-rock, hardcore punk, alternative rock, Christian rock. Christian metal, thrash metal and speed metal. The rock submerges asss Include grunge style rock, Britton, Indies rock, piano rock. Reagent begins to spread In the early 1 sass with songs In Spanish rap underground scene, like Im from the streets of Vic C. The Liking for rap paid off to hits Like School by Ruben DC. The fusion of reggae rhythm with the Spanish rap led to a merger that has evolved into what we now know as reagent. Among the first songs of the merger gaslights l get up on Sunday of Wise G, which was flanked with exponents as Big Boy and own productions viable Vic C. The genre began coining the term underground in Puerco Rice, and that because it was a genre known, was clandestinely distributed among youth.Gender in early exponents featured is very popular today such as Daddy Yankee, Don Omar and Wising Y Handel. The reagent genre went from underground, to be one of the main genres popular in Latin America. It continued to disseminate the rhythm, especially among young people, who came to permeate rhythmic way the rest of Latin America and the United States, which has given unexpected position for a genre that In 2000 It was considered dim. From that year entered Its heyday, knowing the style In many countries.The typical themes of the lyrics often speak of social criticism, reflection, love stories, brief abounding festive typeface especially those that allude to sex, which brought a lot of controversy. To conclude, these two genres have many differences and many similarities that can compare and contrast, many people identify with one equally Ninth the other, but we must take into consideration what would be the healthier for our youth and our children, which of the two genres as a person can magnify more people, which has more meaning in our lives, which we can identify more.The rock Nas born a long time and a very different historical context of reagent. Before the Nor was healthier and people had less malice now, so the reagent until once regarded as very offensive and denigrating to women for many people and immoral explicit content of their songs, while that rock to have multiple subtypes is considered most appr opriate for the general population. In fact two very different genres and both have impacted the world in different ways. Reggaeton Vs Rock free essay sample Its a broad question and responses, as there are many songs with different messages that lead to the population in general, but especially to the youth ho are most in need of positive pulses and music that magnify inside as people. Regnant and rock were born at different times and historical contexts and not others also compare and contrast them to find their similarities and differences. The rock is an ancient genre, has more significance that regnant, takes longer on the market and is much better known and diverse the genre of regnant.Often older people can enjoy more the rock than the regnant. However young people are identified more with regnant. Genres have many controversies, many people are grouped according to their musical preference, and some groups are rockers and there regenerators. The rock is a musical genre of the twentieth century and contemporary times which are born each derived musical genres of rock and roll. We will write a custom essay sample on Reggaeton Vs Rock or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Usually interpreted, among many other instruments normally added, with guitar, drums, bass and sometimes keyboard instruments such as organ, piano, or synthesizers. Rock developed various submerges, such as soft rock, hard rock, progressive rock, heavy metal and punk. The rock submerges of the sass include new wave, new romantic, glam rock, synch-rock, hardcore punk, alternative rock, Christian rock, Christian metal, thrash metal and speed teal. The rock submerges sass include grunge style rock, Britton, Indies rock, piano rock. Regnant begins to spread in the early sass with songs in Spanish rap underground scene, like Im from the streets of Vice C. The liking for rap paid off to hits like School by Ruben DC.The fusion of reggae rhythm with the Spanish rap led to a merger that has evolved into what we now know as regnant. Among the first songs of the merger highlights l get up on Sunday of Wise G, which was flanked with exponents as Big Boy and own productions viable Vice C. The genre began coining the term underground in Puerco Rice, and that because it was a genre known, was clandestinely distributed among youth. Gender in early exponents featured is very popular today such as Daddy Yankee, Don Omar and Wising Y Handel.The regnant genre went from underground, to be one of the main genres popular in Latin America. It continued to disseminate the rhythm, especially among young people, who came to permeate rhythmic way the rest of Latin America and the United States, which has given unexpected position for a genre that in 2000 it was considered dim. From that year entered its heyday, owing the style in many countries. The typical themes of the lyrics often speak of social criticism, reflection, love stories, brief anecdotes and life problems.In some cases, these initial issues were leading to an abounding festive typeface especially those that allude to sex, which brought a lot of controversy. To conclude, these two genres have many differences and many similarities that can compare and contrast, many people identify with one equally with the other, but we must take into consideration what would be the healthier for our youth and our children, which of the two genres as a arson can magnify more people, which has more meaning in our lives, which we can identify more.The rock was born a long time and a very different historical context of regnant. Before the world was healthier and people had less malice now, so the regnant until once regarded as very offensive and denigrating to women for many people and immoral explicit content of their songs, while that rock to have multiple subtypes is considered most appropriate for the general population. In fact two very different genres and both have impacted the world in different ways.
Saturday, March 7, 2020
10 Roommate Gift Ideas That Wont Blow Your Budget
10 Roommate Gift Ideas That Wont Blow Your Budget Even though you sometimes know more about your roommate than anyone else on campus, finding the perfect gift can still be challenging. Fortunately, with a little creative thinking, you can get your male or female roommate the perfect holiday, birthday, or farewell gift without blowing your budget. Something OnlyYou Know They Need You may see your roommate struggling with something that has been well-loved for a little too long. It could be a new hair dryer, a new towel set, a new shower caddy, or generally anything they use frequently. Something of Yours That They're Always Borrowing Your rain boots, favorite shirt, jeans, cute black pumps, or basketball may technically be yours, but seem to have been adopted by your roommate lately. Give them a new, similar product of their own so they can enjoy it without worrying- and without having to check with you first. A Gift Certificate to Their Favorite Restaurant On or Off Campus Does your roommate always walk around with a Starbucks coffee, Jamba Juice smoothie, or burger from the place across the street? Consider getting a small gift certificate to a place you know they already love. A Gift From the Campus Bookstore Because honestly, who minds having another t-shirt, sweatshirt, or pair of comfy pants with your school logo on them? A Small Gift Every Day of Their BirthdayWeek This is a great option if youre a little short on cash. You can surprise your roommate with something fun every day of their birthday week: their favorite candy bar placed on their computer keyboard one day, a box of their favorite cereal the next. A New Laptop Bag/Backpack/Gym Bag/Purse/etc College students are notoriously rough on their bags. And, given that you share living quarters, youve probably seen the worst of the worst when it comes to how your roommate treats their backpack, gym bag, etc. Consider getting them a replacement or even just an extra one for when things get really ugly. Some of Their Favorite Personal Products Does your roommate have a favorite perfume? Cologne? Brand of flip-flops theyre always wearing? Grab an extra one, throw it in a gift bag, and ... voila! Instant personal roommate gift. A Book by Their Favorite Author or on Their Favorite Topic Chances are, your roommate has some passions and interests that they dont get the chance to read about just for pleasure. Surprise them with something theyll enjoy without having to worry about writing a paper on later. A Simple Electronic Device to Make Life Easier You can never have too many thumb drives, phone chargers, or earphones. These inexpensive electronics make for great, inexpensive gifts. A Gift Certificate to Their Favorite Website Does your roommate love iTunes? An online game? Consider getting them a gift certificate that they can use electronically. Added bonus: These make great last-minute gifts since theyre often delivered instantly.
Thursday, February 20, 2020
Association of christmas values with that of western and christian Essay
Association of christmas values with that of western and christian people - Essay Example The essay that is structured is based on a case study with regards to the eve of Christmas and values associated with it.he prospect of advanced marketing in spreading of Christmas value outside western culture will be depicted in this essay. Over the years, celebration of Christmas Eve has evolved from one culture to the other. However, tradition has remained one common aspect in the Christmas celebration in every culture. The values of Christmas in western culture and among the Christians are enormous and are spreading all over the world. The essence of value spreading is primarily the beliefs but another essence is also present that has helped in this process. Shopping, over the years, has become an integral part of Christmas celebration. Along with people’s shopping, outlook of marketing for producers during the eve has also grown over the years. The essay will also deal with entrepreneurial endeavour of an entrepreneur who wants to create a Christmas market in Chinese tra dition where people are not much familiar with this trend (All about Popular Issues, 2011). Association of Christmas Values with that of Western and Christian People Christmas is taken to be at the peak of consumerism in the culture of western countries. The celebration of this occasion has evolved throughout the years and has become an occasion that encourages people to provide gifts to their loved and dear ones. The initiators in this occasion are specially children who requests gifts and their parents provide them gifts in the guise of Santa Claus. Involvement of family members is the most important feature in the Christmas occasion. In marketing sense, parents, by involving themselves in providing gifts actually involves themselves in giving brands. People hunts for gifts for their family members and their friends much earlier than the festive actually begins. In the present era, people eagerly look for innovative gift ideas that can best create happiness among their loved ones. Apart from general gifts such as chocolates, clothes, candles, showpieces and books, people also buy music pieces, electronic gadgets, custom jewellery and several other such things to gift their near ones. However, in the western culture, whether the Christmas gift is materially precious or not does not matter (Shuvalina, 2010). The feelings of the person providing the gift are perceived much more valuable than its price. Christmas has evolved as an occasion where sharing of feelings among family members takes place through the sharing of gifts. In the western culture, Christmas is said to be conventionally associated with the western culture and Christians but is also enjoyed by the non-Christians as well. Religious values and special prayers lighten up individual’s minds that reinforce their relationship with God. Apart from instigating spiritual beliefs, Christmas also perpetuates a bond among individuals and thus brings them closer. In the western culture especially, Ch ristmas is perceived as an ideal occasion that extends involvement of family relations and enlarges intangible aspects of theory of gift giving (Clarke, 2006). Shopping is a Key Part of Christmas Shopping has evolved as an essential part of Christmas as people nowadays, are more inclined towards buying gifts for their beloved ones. Instincts of the people to shop more have made the occasion a â€Å"grand celebration of consumption†. With the arrival of Christmas, season brings holiday mood for consumers and creates an increase in the pattern of consumption among the people. People exchanges gifts and enjoy through partying, thus increasing the consumption level.
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Marketing Intelligence in the Vineyard Limited Company Assignment
Marketing Intelligence in the Vineyard Limited Company - Assignment Example Here, I can obtain valuable information about the status of the company at present. The most efficient and easy way would be accessing the data on the internet by typing the trade name â€Å"Vineyard Limited Alternatively, I would simply Google, â€Å"industry research reports†to receive a lot of information on the company’s current status as well as uncovering various marketing analysis information. My next step would be to carry out a formal research project. This would make it possible for me to identify the perceptions of customers about behavior patterns of the company. I can do this by observing customers and the way they purchase foods and drinks from the company as well as using questionnaires. From the forester reports, I learned that Emails connects everything in the process of an interactive mix (VanBoskirk 10). I would, therefore, use simple and easy-to-follow mail questionnaires to get an extensive knowledge of current issues in Vineyard Limited and to enable respondents to complete the quizzes conveniently. They will be more willing to give family and personal sensitive issues for the reason that the mail feedback can be anonymous. Data analysis and interpretation would be my critical step in analyzing the company’s current state. I would use computer-based statistical packages to analyze the data. My last step would be to use the results to make a marketing conclusion about this company. Given that I have already obtained information from customers as outlined above, I would come up with a process to guide the company in the desired direction. For instance, I would constantly develop new breakfast cereals, where the product element is this new foodstuff itself.Â
Monday, January 27, 2020
What Is A Data Model Computer Science Essay
What Is A Data Model Computer Science Essay First I like to offer my special thanks for my Data Analysis and Design lecturer, Mr.Deloosha Abeysooriya International College of Business and Technology southern campus in Matara. He is the guider of my. Also another 12 student of my M11 Batch. Also I thanks to my another lecturers International College of Business and Technology southern campus in Matara.absultely I offer my faithful thanks for who help me to fulfill and success to this assignments tasks. I think this assignment will more helpful for my future targets. It will be easier to succeed because of this assignments experience. As a good a faithful student of International College of Business and technology in Matara. I request forgive for my some mistakes of this assignment if it mentioned. As your faithful student I thank all of you. Executive summary. Table of content. Introduction Task 1 Explain what is data model, Evaluate different data models explain why older data models are being replaced by new data models. What is a Data Model? Data model is a collection of concepts that can be used to describe the structure of a database And also we can define it as When constructing any database it is compulsory to have the design of the database which provides a better mechanism for accessing the data in the database. The data model provides this facility and allows the DBA (Data Base Administrator) or the users to get the required information irrespective to the internal implementation of how the data is physically stored in the database. It can be broadly distinguished into 3 main categories: High-level or conceptual data models Low level or physical data models performance or execution of model There are so many data models use with data bases. As examples: Hierarchical data modal. Network data modal. Relational data modal. Object relational data model. Object oriented data model. Hierarchical data modal. Organizers of hierarchical data in a data modal hierarchical tree structure, there is a segment of parent and child data. This structure implies that a record may be repetition of information, generally in a data segment child. The serial data records, which have a set of join him sensation values. Collect all records intense specific offer together it in record type. These record types are the same of the table in the relational data model, and individual records that are the similar of rows. To make links between these records users type the modal hierarchical parent-child relationship. This is a one-to-many mapping between the types of records. Here is a diagram for hierarchical data model. Figure Network data modal. Network data model is looks like one of developed type of hierarchical data model. Because this also have parent and child connection. And also it is developed than hierarchical data model. Also network data model using many to much relationship in data .network data model is also greater than hierarchical data model. Also network data model is like a set. The network data model details of members or specification have categorizes as set. That set can be called as record. Network data model can have one or more records types. And also these have one to many relationships. Beside that it is permitted for use one to one relationship. When we consider about the diagram given below we can understand about the network data model. Figure Relational data modal. Relational data model is one of another data model. All data and relations are organized in a table. Also there are so many different rules for table. A table is a collection of records and each record in a table contains the same fields. Values Are Atomic. The Sequence of Columns is Insignificant. Each Row is Unique. Column Values Are of the Same Kind. Each Column Has a Unique Name. The Sequence of Rows is Insignificant. The relational data model is more complex than hierarchical and network data models. Also it covers large area by gathering data in to a table. There is a relation between each other records. Here is a relational data model diagram is given below. The all records are connecting with Sales facts table. Now we can see there have some connection of other record directly or indirectly to sales facts table. Figure Object relational data model. This model is another complex and more successful one of than above data models. Also object relational data model add latest object storage abilities to the relational systems at the core of modern information systems. So it is very useful for modern information systems. Because this object relational data model currently included various binary media like as music, video, pictures. â‚ ¬Ã‚ Object relational database management systems server can implement complexes analytical and data processing operations to search and turn things complex and other multimedia.â‚ ¬Ã‚ â‚ ¬Ã‚ Designers can work with database structures familiar spreadsheets and definition language, while absorbing new possibilities to manage the object easily and with more performance. Here is the example for object relational data models. Figure ( Object oriented data model. This model developed by using C++, Java and smart talk object oriented programs. â‚ ¬Ã‚ A major benefit of this approach is to unite the application and development of the database to the data model smooth and linguistic environment. Because of that there are more results as like as Applications call for less code, use the more natural data modeling, and code bases easier to maintain. Because of this benefits object developers can easily write data bases with modest application without effort.â‚ ¬Ã‚ â‚ ¬Ã‚ Unlike an RDBMS a complex structure where data must be flattened to fit into tables or joined together from these tables to form the structure in memory, object oriented DBMS have no performance degradation to store or retrieve a web or a hierarchy of interrelated objects.â‚ ¬Ã‚ â‚ ¬Ã‚ This mapping one-to-one of the objects of the programming language objects to database objects has two advantages over storage approaches: it provides higher performance managemen t of objects, and allows better management of complex relationships between objects. â‚ ¬Ã‚ This makes the most suitable object DBMS to support applications such as financial systems portfolio risk analysis, applications of telecommunications services, world wide web document structures, design and manufacturing systems and patient record systems of hospital, which have complex relationships between data. Figure (
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Radio Television Malaysia
The history of radio in Malaysia started in the year 1921. A. L. Birch, an electrical engineer from the Johor Government brought the original radio set into the country. (Radio Television Malaysia, 2010) Johor Wireless Association was set up and broadcasting through 300 meter waves began. (Radio Television Malaysia, 2010) This was then followed by the establishment of the same association in Penang and the Malayan Wireless Association in Kuala Lumpur. Studio of Broadcasting Corporation of Malaya was opened on 11th March 1937 by Sir Shenton Thomas. Radio Television Malaysia, 2010) In the year 1930, Sir Earl from the Singapore Port Authority commenced its short wave broadcast every fortnight either on Sundays or Wednesdays. (Radio Television Malaysia, 2010) Straits Settlement took over The British Broadcasting Corporation of Malaysia. Radio channels in Malacca, Penang, Kuala Lumpur and Seremban and Singapore was taken over by the Japanese to broadcast misinformation. (Radio Television Malaysia, 2010) Department of Broadcasting was set up in Singapore on the 1st of April year 1946. In the early 50's, broadcasting activities in Malaya were operated from its temporary studio in Jalan Young in Kuala Lumpur and later in 1956, were moved to the Federal House, Kuala Lumpur. (Radio Television Malaysia, 2010) Broadcasting in Malaysia started to grow throughout the country, including Sabah and Sarawak. On 28th December 1963, Television services were brought into the business. (Radio Television Malaysia, 2010) The growth of the first channel, Rangkaian Satu encouraged the second channel to be recognized on 17th November 1969. Followed by the incident where Radio and Television were combined under the Ministry of Information. Quick development was seen in broadcasting for both television and radio. Broadcast time was extended so that everyone can have the luxury of listening to it, even for the night shift workers. (Radio Television Malaysia, 2010) Different languages were broadcasted as well. Growth of television became very rapid. On 1st March 1994, TV Malaysia started its early telecast as early as 6 in the morning. TV1, the Prime Channel brought in â€Å"Selamat Pagi Malaysia†(Good Morning Malaysia). TV2, The Golden Channel, later trailed by launching â€Å"Moving On Two†in December 1996. Radio Television Malaysia, 2010) Viewers started increasing year by year by then. RTM has existing telecommunication via TV1, TV2, and the 34 radio channels of various languages at the National, state, local and international level. (Radio Television Malaysia, 2010)The audience share for TV1 is 15. 9%. Whereas audience share for TV2 is 19. 2%. TV2 has more audience share. RTM1 broadcasts its news at 8 pm. News style is very localized and limited with just a few international news only. All news presented was current news. No old news was reported unless it is following up news. Example of current and local news reported is local news on fake eggs and fake medicine. Other than that, missing girl case in Kelantan was also one of the current news reported. Nevertheless, the example of international news reported was news on Japan after the Tsunami and news on recent floods that hit Australia. There was no sense of entertainment in RTM1 news. However for TV2 news which is broadcast at 8. 30pm, news reported is less localized. News reported are less localized with the balance of both local and international news making it more interesting for viewers and audience to know what is happening around the world. All news presented was current and similar to RTM1. Example of local news presented by TV2 is recent BAKTI news and baby dumping cases. Example of International news reported by TV2 is China’s agriculture state and about Tsunami victims in Japan. For entertainment base however, there was no actual entertainment sector in both RTM1 and TV2. Nevertheless, RTM1 did have a small sector on promoting Sarawak’s tourism and the beauty of the country. Included its history, background of Sarawak, wayang kulit and popular buildings. Basically, just promoting the country and encourage us to travel locally. Other than that, TV2 have a small segment called â€Å"Today in History†talking about history of our country hoping to educate us and remind us not to repeat history. RTM 1 had sign language translator which showed the channel’s concern to be able to cater all types of viewers. Other than that, RTM1 had relevant notes at the bottom of the screen for additional information as well. Audience can catch up on the notes if they happen to miss the reporters reporting on the news. Brief information and part on Malaysian stock markets was showed as well. TV2 news had clear and relevant points that simplified viewers understanding of the news shown. TV2 too had notes at the bottom of the screen as well making it audience friendly. News anchor looked more relaxed when presenting the news compared to news anchor in RTM1. Unfortunately, TV2 does not have sign language translator. In a nutshell, both channels had clear and relevant videos to give a mental picture to viewers, clear introduction in presenting news, and lastly, relevant interviews and quotes to strengthen the points made with the news presented. For style of writing, RTM1 used familiar words in reporting. Unfortunately, the â€Å"how†element was not described thoroughly in the news reporting of RTM1. The â€Å"how†element was missing. TV2 news uses formal English to present news in formal way. Nevertheless, the who, what, why, why, how element was all clearly mentioned in the broadcast piece which can definitely deliver the message to the news viewers. News in RTM1 is not as concrete as only brief information, a â€Å"run through†was given to the audience about the news. For example, only brief information was given about the announcement of the 1Malaysia email project. TV2 broadcast news is more concise and factual. The flow of broadcast news piece came out as more effective in TV2 news compared to RTM1 as the news in TV2 goes in order. News in RTM1 was formal and straight to the point. Some news presented was less important and they had videos shown with the news to create a scene. For TV2, was formal but less tense environment. Fortunately, more selection of news for viewers as it had a balance of both international and local news. Both channels had certain trades, time of news showed competitiveness as RTM1 news is at 8pm whereas RTM2 news broadcast at 8. 30pm. Audience would have to make a choice in choosing which news to watch.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Discrmination, Diversity, Equality and Inclusion in Health
Discrimination Diversity, Equality and Inclusion To understand what discrimination is, we first have to understand the meanings of diversity, equality and inclusion within our society and social health care. Diversity outlines difference and variety; we are all different we have characteristics that make us individual, these come from and include: race, religion, age, gender, beliefs, appearance, abilities, talents and sexual orientation. These characteristics give us our uniqueness in society, not only as individuals but also within groups and different cultures.Equality means treating people fairly, where everyone can participate and has an equal opportunity to fulfil their potential. To be able to understand what diversity and equality both mean, we have to first acknowledge our own prejudices, values and beliefs, and then we can positively accept difference in our society, and in the role of Social Care Workers. By accepting diversity and equality we support, value and respect se rvice users, thus providing a quality standard of care.Inclusion means including all individuals and groups, treating people fairly and with respect, giving choices, not tolerating discrimination, breaking down barriers and providing a supportive and nurturing quality standard care service. Discrimination can be indirect or direct; it means treating an individual or a group of people less fairly than others, giving a lower standard of service because of how we view them. We can discriminate without realising we are doing it. Indirect discrimination can occur when a condition or practice or requirement is provided through a service, e. . information leaflets only printed in English and not providing the information in other formats. We are indirectly discriminating against some of our service users who may have different levels of communication and need information in other forms, e. g. braille, large fonts, different languages or on audio. Direct discrimination can occur in differen t forms. Sometimes people do not realise that what they are saying or doing can be discriminative to others, e. g. stereotyping and generalisations.What is your initial thought when you see a person dressed in a hoodie, homeless person, a coloured person or an old person? If it is a negative thought or fear, the values and beliefs you hold could turn these into prejudices. You possibly formed an opinion based on an assumption rather than on fact. Values are taught to us usually in childhood and we carry these with us throughout our life. Values, beliefs and any prejudices can be changed, usually through knowledge and life’s experiences. By seeing things from a different perspective and keeping a positive attitude, we can all be open to change.There are other ways discrimination can happen in social care. Through communication: the words and expressions we use, derogatory language, belittling people, patronising, humiliating and disrespecting people. These are all discriminati ve. Telling jokes about particular groups of people, based on their race, age, religion, culture, gender, sexual orientation, ability or disability, is discrimination. We must think about not only what we say or do but also what our colleagues say and do. Stereotyping, generalisations and labelling do not define the people we care for.Calling someone little as in ‘ Little Mary’ because the lady is small in height, this does not define her as a human being. She happens to be small, but is ‘Mary’ first. When people who want to take part in society, employment, education, an exercise or activity, or a service, and are excluded or treated less fairly based on their age, race, ability or disability, gender, sexuality or other prejudice, this is discrimination. The effect of discrimination can lead to isolation, impacting on mental and physical health, stress, lack of confidence and low self esteem.The use of Inclusion and anti- discriminatory practice in social care can help us recognise, support, challenge and change any discrimination. We have to keep an open mind and not allow our own values or beliefs to interfere with how we support clients. Because it is not right for us, does not mean it is not right for someone else. Give people choices, ask them or their family. Read through their care plan which is about their life, likes, dislikes, interests and beliefs. This will help break down any barriers.Sometimes in social care we need to act on behalf of our clients, to help them understand, choose and exercise their right. This could be because of a number of factors. There might be emotional, physical or communication barriers that effectively stop people from accessing help, advice or from making decisions about their life. By doing this we are promoting independence and not dependence. Because we live and work in a diverse society, there are laws, regulations and guidance to help you understand discrimination and how to deal with it.Y our workplace will have policies about this that will include: * Equality Act 2010 (this act supersedes all previous acts and covers all aspects of discrimination) * HCPC (Health & Care Professions Council) formally GCSS code of practice You can ask your manager for further advice about: * Duty of care * Safeguarding * Effective communication * Standard of care Other organisations which can provide further help are: * Citizens Advice Bureau * Law Centre Be respectful, polite and courteous, value yourself and others this will help you deliver quality care.
Friday, January 3, 2020
Inca Star Worship and Constellations
The stars in the sky were very important to the religion of the Inca. They identified constellations and individual stars and assigned them a purpose. According to the Inca, many of the stars were there to protect animals: every animal had a corresponding star or constellation which would look out for it. Today, traditional Quechua communities still see the same constellations in the sky as they did centuries ago. Inca Culture and Religion The Inca culture thrived in the Andes Mountains in western South America from the twelfth to sixteenth centuries. Although they started out as one ethnic group among many in the region, they embarked upon a campaign of conquest and assimilation and by the fifteenth century, they had achieved pre-eminence in the Andes and controlled an empire which stretched from present-day Colombia to Chile. Their religion was complicated. They had a pantheon of greater gods which included Viracocha, the creator, Inti, the Sun, and Chuqui Illa, the thunder god. They also worshiped huacas, which were spirits which could inhabit just about any remarkable phenomenon, such as a waterfall, large boulder or tree. The Inca and the Stars The sky was very important to the Inca culture. The sun and moon were considered gods and temples and pillars were laid out specifically so that heavenly bodies such as the sun would pass over pillars or through windows on certain days, such as the summer solstice. The stars played an important role in Inca cosmology. The Inca believed that Viracocha had planned for the protection of all living things, and that to each star corresponded a particular sort of animal or bird. The star grouping known as the Pleiades held particular influence over the lives of animals and birds. This group of stars was not considered a greater god but rather a huaca, and Inca shamans would regularly make sacrifices to it. Inca Constellations Like many other cultures, the Inca grouped the stars into constellations. They saw many animals and other things from their daily lives when they looked to the stars. There were two sorts of constellations for the Inca. The first are of the common variety, where groupings of stars are linked in connect-the-dots fashion to make images of gods, animals, heroes, etc. The Inca saw some such constellations in the sky but considered them inanimate. The other constellations were seen in the absence of stars: these dark blotches on the Milky Way were seen as animals and were considered living or animate. They lived in the Milky Way, which was considered a river. The Inca were one of the very few cultures who found their constellations in the absence of stars. Mach’acuay: The Serpent One of the major dark constellations was Machacuay, the Serpent. Although snakes are rare at the high altitudes where the Inca Empire thrived, there are a few, and the Amazon River basin is not far away to the east. The Inca saw serpents as highly mythological animals: rainbows were said to be serpents named amarus. Machacuay was said to oversee all snakes on Earth, protecting them and helping them procreate. The constellation Machacuay is a wavy dark band located on the Milky Way between Canis Major and the Southern Cross. The constellation serpent emerges head-first in the Inca region in August and begins to set in February: Interestingly, this mirrors the activity of real snakes in the zone, which are more active during the Andean rainy season of December to February. Hanp’atu: The Toad In a somewhat surprising twist on nature, Hanpatu the Toad chases Machacuay the Serpent out of the Earth in August as that segment of the Milky Way becomes visible in Peru. Hanpatu is seen in a lumpish dark cloud between Machacuays tail and the Southern Cross. Like the snake, the toad was an important animal to the Inca. The nocturnal croaking and chirping of frogs and toads were listened to attentively by Inca diviners, who believed that the more these amphibians croaked, the more likely it was to rain soon. Also like the snakes, the Andean toads are more active during the rainy season; in addition, they croak more at night when their constellation is visible in the sky. Hanpatu also had the added significance that his appearance in the night sky coincided with the beginning of the Inca agricultural cycle: when he showed up, it meant that the time to plant had come. Yutu: The Tinamou Tinamous are clumsy ground birds similar to partridges, common in the Andean region. Located at the base of the Southern Cross, Yutu is the next dark constellation to emerge as the Milky Way becomes visible in the night sky. Yutu is a dark, kite-shaped spot which corresponds to the Coal Sack Nebula. It chases Hanpatu, which makes some sense because tinamous are known to eat small frogs and lizards. The tinamou may have been selected (as opposed to any other bird) because it exhibits remarkable social behavior: male tinamous attract and mate with females, who lay their eggs in his nest before leaving to repeat the process with another male. Males, therefore, incubate the eggs, which could come from 2 to 5 mating partners. Urcuchillay: The Llama The next constellation to emerge is the llama, perhaps the most important of the constellations to the Inca. Although the llama is a dark constellation, the stars Alpha and Beta Centauri serve as its â€Å"eyes†and are the first to emerge when the llama rises in November. The constellation consists of two llamas, a mother, and a baby. Llamas were of great importance to the Inca: they were food, beasts of burden and sacrifices to the gods. These sacrifices often took place at certain times with astronomical significance such as equinoxes and solstices. Llama herders were particularly attentive to the movements of the celestial llama and offered it sacrifices. Atoq: The Fox The fox is a small black splotch at the feet of the llama: this is appropriate because Andean foxes eat baby vicuà ±as. When they foxes come by, however, the adult vicuà ±as gang up and attempt to trample the foxes to death. This constellation has a connection to earthly foxes: the Sun passes through the constellation in December, the time when baby foxes are born. Significance of Inca Star Worship The Inca constellations and their worship  or at least a certain respect for them and an understanding of their role in the agricultural cycle  are one of few aspects of Inca culture that survived the conquest, colonial era and 500 years of forced assimilation. The original Spanish chroniclers mentioned the constellations and their importance, but not in any great detail: fortunately, modern researchers have been able to fill in the gaps by making friends and doing fieldwork in rural, traditional Andean Quechua communities where people still see the same constellations their ancestors saw centuries ago. The nature of Inca reverence for their dark constellations reveals much about Inca culture and religion. To the Inca, everything was connected: The universe of the Quechuas is not composed of a series of discrete phenomena and events, but rather there is a powerful synthetic principle underlying the perception and ordering of objects and events in the physical environment. (Urton 126). The snake in the sky had the same cycle as earthly snakes and lived in a certain harmony with the other celestial animals. Consider this in contrast to traditional western constellations, which were a series of images (scorpion, hunter, scales, etc) that really didnt interact with one another or events here on Earth (except for vague fortunetelling). Sources Cobo, Bernabà ©. (translated by Roland Hamilton) Inca Religion and Customs. Austin: the University of Texas Press, 1990.Sarmiento de Gamboa, Pedro. (translated by Sir Clement Markham). History of the Incas. 1907. Mineola: Dover Publications, 1999.Urton, Gary. Animals and Astronomy in the Quechua Universe. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society. Vol. 125, No. 2. (April 30, 1981). P. 110-127.
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