Wednesday, December 25, 2019
The Origin Of Speciesism By Peter Singer - 1025 Words
Racism is the discrimination of one other due to their racial origin, usually involving the idea of inferiority. Specicism, is considered to be carrying a bias nature to the species to which one belongs. [Lafollette, Hugh and Shanks, Niall (1996). The Origin of Speciesism] Singer draws parallels between specicism and racism through comparing the grounds on which whose interests and suffering takes precedence. Singer believes that discarding the moral status of animal concerns in their exploitation as they are not of our species and therefore insignificant, mimics that of the prejudice of white slave owners against discarding the moral status of the interests and suffering of their African Slaves [Peter Singer Practical Ethics, 2nd edition]. Speciests, give greater weight to the interests of members of their own species when there is clash of interests and concerns, similarly, racists give greater weight to the interest of members of their own race when there is a clash of interest or concern. [Peter Singer Practical Ethics, 2nd edition] Given the principle of equal consideration of interest (the moral principle stating that when calculating the rightness and morality of an action, all affected interests should be included and weighed equally) ; it follows that equal moral concern is raised when a human of any race is suffering, so therefore, it also follows that equal moral concern should also be raised when a human or non human animal is suffering. [Peter Singer PracticalShow MoreRelatedThe History and Purpose of The Animal Rights Movement Essay945 Words  | 4 Pagesto think to some extent and are certainly able to feel pain therefore non-human animals should be accorded rights. According to Peter Singer, professor of philosophy and director at Monash University, Melbourne, Australia and best known for his book Animal Liberation, he says â€Å"‘When humans fail to measure the capacity of animals to suffer, they become guilty of ‘speciesism,â⠂¬â„¢ an injustice parallel to racism and sexism (Animal Rights Opposing Viewpoints, 1996).’†This fact is not to say that all animalsRead MoreThrowing Emotions On The Dogs1679 Words  | 7 Pagesmost laymen refuse to recognize the correlation. People like to believe that their feelings are internally complicated experiences that are unique to their person. However, when the topic is viewed in this light, the realistic concept of emotional origin is lost. â€Å"American behaviorism tried to explain all behavior based on operant conditioning and hence had no room for unlearned predispositions†(de Waal 191). He goes on to discuss that, â€Å"despite the frequent assertion that animal emotions hardlyRead MoreAnimal Cruelty And Its Effects On Society2121 Words  | 9 Pages For centuries, philosophers have debated the existence (or non-existence) of moral obligations to non-human animals. In this essay, I will draw upon the work of Kant, Machan, Norcross, and Singer to argue that animals do, in fact, deserve moral consideration. I will then explain why these obligations should lead consumers (whose circumstances deem the consumption of animal products unnecessary) to abstain from the purchase of products that cause harm to animals. These products include, but are not
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Dreams, By Sigmund Freud - 1086 Words
Dreams appear to have a universal language. In ancient societies, dreaming was viewed as some kind of supernatural communication. Dreams are fascinating mysteries. To begin the discussion of dreams it is important to make the statement that dreams can be considered an extension of consciousness. In other words, dreams can be a way the brain organizes and analyzes the day to day events during sleep. Every one dreams however, not everyone remembers their dreams. Freud believed that our dreams are buried unconscious emotions and as we sleep our mind releases these emotions in the form of dreams. He also theorized that our dreams are ways in which we act out our suppressed desires. The Interpretation of Dreams, written by Sigmund Freud, is†¦show more content†¦According to Ciccarelli and White many of today’s professionals no longer appreciate Freud’s dream theory (151). The theory proposed by Freud appears highly unscientific. The unconscious mind was important i n Freud’s work and the Freudian theory emphasized that the unconscious mind governed behavior. Consequently, to study Freud one must investigate his theory of manifest content and latent content. While reading Freud, a student learns that the actual content of the dream is referred to as manifest content. That is to say, the exact subject matter of the dream is the manifest content. At the same time, Freud believed that the latent content was the true meaning of a dream. The latent content appears to be left open to personal interpretations. It was Freud’s belief that dreams come from deep in the unconscious mind. Perhaps even from things suppressed since childhood. Freud studied dreams as a means of psychoanalyzing people and believed dreams were a kind of wish fulfillment. The view Freud took explained dreams as a window into an individual’s unconscious including their deepest desires and anxieties. In 1931 Freud wrote, as quoted in Schà ¶n (2016), â€Å"The Interpretation of Dreams . . . contains the most valuable of all the dream interpretation in theory discoveries it has been my fortune to make†(76-77). Dr. Freud was proud of his literary contributions to society. In today’s world dreams might be considered a pathway to a person’s true thoughts, actions andShow MoreRelatedDreams, By Sigmund Freud1165 Words  | 5 Pagesperson’s dreams appear to have a universal language. In ancient societies, people looked at dreaming as some kind of supernatural communication and dreams are fascinating mysteries. To begin the discussion of dreams, it is important to note that dreams are often considered an extension of consciousness. In other words, dreams can be a way the brain organizes and analyzes the day to day events during sleep. Everyone dreams, however, not everyone remembers their dreams. The psychoanalyst, Sigmund FreudRead MoreDreams, By Sigmund Freud1513 Words  | 7 Pages Dreams can often be mysterious and quite questionable at times. It can leave us wondering what a particular dream means to the dreamer, and we can argue about what causes dreams in the first place. Science can explain how dreams are related to brain functioning, but only a psychological understanding of the unconscious can explain why a dream happens at a particular time of your life and what it means psychologically. So what exactly are dreams? Strictly speaking, dreams are a series of thoughtsRead MoreThe Dreams By Sigmund Freud989 Words  | 4 Pagescomponents of a dream. The dreaming process is very complicated and is still, even today, difficult to understand. One leading contributor to the comprehension of our dreams was Sigmund Freud. He believed there were four aspects to the interpretation of dreams and they are manifest content, latent-dream thoughts, wish-fulfillment, and dream work. The manifest content can be defined as the pre-interpretation of the dream. It’s what you actually see in the dream. The latent-dream thought is what’sRead MoreThe Interpretation Of Dreams By S igmund Freud1344 Words  | 6 PagesSome dream big, some dream small, and sadly some dream not at all The Interpretation of Dreams was published by Sigmund Freud in the year 1900 as a thought provoking compilation of ideas surrounding the cognitive processes of dreaming. Although this book has been translated and edited since its original publishing date, it reads as if to hold true to Freudian fashion; addressing levels of consciousness and their effects on how specific dreams are formed. Freud makes a clear and reverent effortRead MoreThe Interpretation Of Dreams By Sigmund Freud1790 Words  | 8 PagesSigmund Freud is thought to be the founder of psychoanalysis and he embarked on conducting a study to analyse and interpret dreams as a means of determining their relation to the human psyche. Starting off his career as a neurologist he was already very familiar with the brain and it’s inner workings. However his study was specifically conducted to explore the more celestial attributes of the mind and apply scientific theory and neurological practice. Freud said that, The interpretation of dreamsRead MoreSigmund Freud s The Interpretation Of Dreams Essay1383 Words  | 6 Pagespsychoanalysis’, Sigmund Freud, is perhaps known for his theories involving the human brain. During the late 1800s, his therapeutic techniques dealing with psychopathology made him quite influential within and throughout the sphere of psychology and his work has had a tremendous impact on modern culture and common opinion. Freud’s The Interpretation of Dreams, first published in 1899, takes into account dream interpretation and theories involving the human brain, why humans dream and what they couldRead MoreThe Interpretation Of Dreams : Sigmund Schlomo Freud988 Words  | 4 PagesSigmund Schlomo Freud was a thinker who helped us understand why our lives and relationships are full of so much confusion and pain. He told us why life is hard and how to cope. His own life incurred a lot of anxieties. Freud was born to a middle class Jewish family in 1856. His p rofessional life was not an immediate success. As a medical student he dissected hundreds of eels in an un-successful attempt to locate their reproductive organs. He promoted cocaine as a medical drug, but it turned outRead MoreDream Interpretation of Sigmund Freud Essay848 Words  | 4 Pagesleast one dream in their lifetime. Most people don’t think much about the dreams they have, unless they are recurring. Most people today wake up from a dream or nightmare saying, â€Å"thank heaven that was a dream,†or â€Å"too bad that was just a dream.†Many times these dreams or nightmares have more meaning than we think. After a friend told me about some weird dreams he had been having I decided to research the meaning of dreams. I will focus on Sigmund Freud’s idea that understanding our dreams can helpRead MoreFreudian Interpretations Of Dreams By Sigmund Freud1663 Words  | 7 PagesKafka’s â€Å"A Dream†tale. Which the famous philosopher, Freud, would interpret symbols for different reasonings behind a dream. In the book, Interpretation of Dreams by Sigmund Freud, he provides an in depth explanation on his beliefs behind the meaning of each occurring dream that we experience. Freud has tons of concepts that he claims for the reasonings behind each dream that have. Whether if we experience a nightmare or just a normal dream. The concepts in Interpretation of Dreams that are primarilyRead MoreEssay Sigmund Freud as a Dream Analyst2025 Words  | 9 PagesSigmund Freud as a Dream Analyst You step out of your car onto this amazing white sand beach. You walk toward the water and notice all of these beautiful women coming toward you and saying your name. As you start to lay the charm down you notice that one of them is chewing on your leg. Then all of a sudden all of them are taking huge bites out of you and ripping you apart. You try to escape but you seem to be unable to do anything in your defense. AAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! All of a sudden
Monday, December 9, 2019
Marketing strategy for CourierPlease
Question: Describe about the Marketing strategy for CourierPlease? Answer: Assessment 1 Background Information of Client and service CourierPlease, a branch of SingPost group in Australia, is working as a leading delivery service in Australia and provides its services in all over the country. CourierPlease was launched in 1983. This courier service is specialized in delivery in metropolitan cities. Currently, the courier service of CourierPlease is providing its services nationwide in Adeldia, Bendigo, Brisbane, Canberra, Carrum Downs Central Coast / New Castle, Geelong, gold Coast, Melbourne, Sydney and Toowoomba. It has 550 franchisees present in all over Australia, nearly 40,000 customers are accessing the service of CourierPlease and nearly 10 million parcels are getting delivered in one year(Courier Please: About Us, 2015). Research on the service Courier service is a kind of service which is used by the customers to deliver their parcels from one place to another place. These parcel communication can be within the city, between two cities of same state, between two cities of different states or between two countries. Courier service provides the facility of communicating any type of parcel, like any size and any weight. Courier service even helps in communicating the letters. If we talk about CourierPlease, it helps in communicating every type of product. There are various competitors of CourierPlease present in Australia. The main competitors are Fast Courier, DHL, TNT, Truck It, and My US and inter parcel. The toughest competitor of Courier Please is DHL(MSI, 2012). DHL is actually an international courier service provider which provides its services in all over the world. DHL is famous for its safe and quick services(Judd, 1987). Other courier companies are also providing the best services. Thus, there is a high competitio n in the market for CourierPlease. Characteristic of the Services There are various brands of CourierPlease present in the market. Ezy Technology helps the customers in tracking and despatching of their courier, Ezy Net provides the facility of booking online from the online portal, Ezy Freight is an online despatch system in which the customers generate the data according to their needs and requirements. Ezy Quote provides the facility to the customers in finding the prices according to the size, weight and the destination of the parcel. Ezy Plan provides the facility to create a monthly plan for the user according to their requirements. Actually, this facility provides an opportunity to save money. Thus, the above brands are promoted by CourierPlease in the market. If we see CourierPlease, it provides various innovative services to the consumers like Ezy Plan which provides the facility of tie up(Courier Please: About Us, 2015). Consumers can check the prices on the internet etc. If we talk about the quality, CourierPlease provides the best servi ce in terms of security, and accurately, and on time delivery of the parcel. The services of the CourierPlease are designed well and it uses the technology like internet so perfectly, that everyone finds it very easy to use the services of CourierPlease. The services of CourierPlease are available in various ranges so that the customers can choose the service according to their needs and requirements. CourierPlease believes in providing the punctual delivery as committed to the consumers. Pricing Variables If pricing variables of this courier service are considered, it provides a wide range of prices to the consumers according to the facilities. Consumers can even chose the service according to their needs and requirements but the consumers have to pay the prices of services at the time of booking (Sharma, 2005). There is a facility regarding the pricing that the consumer can chose from, i.e., whether the sender or the receiver is going to pay for services. CourierPlease also provides various special offers on some occasions and festivals. It provides the offers to its special customers also to attract more customers. Market Details The market for this courier service can be segmented into three segments, domestic segment, special occasions and business segment. In the above segments, business segment is the most important segment of the market. Domestic segment is related to the domestic market. This market actually covers the general needs of the courier service for domestic purpose. Sometimes people need to send the parcel to their relatives or friends. Thus, the domestic market covers this type of market(Kotler, 2010). Occasional market is actually related to the courier service required on the occasions like marriages, birthdays and anniversary. People send invitations, gifts or sweets to other people via courier. Business segment, as described above, is the most beneficial segment in the market. This segment is actually related to the business related parcels. It includes the tie-up with the businesses for communicating their parcels. Today, e-commerce can also be a market segment for the courier services. E-Commerce website actually delivers the product to their customers. Thus, they can use the courier service to fulfil these purposes. Marketing methods The marketing of the courier service includes both business to business marketing as well as the business to consumer marketing. For attracting the businesses or e-commerce segment, to use the courier service, business to business marketing will be performed, while for attracting the domestic or occasional market segment, direct marketing of the courier service will be used. For business to business marketing, a proper presentation about the courier service of CourierPlease should be prepared which will include the services, offers, achievements and various other details. These details should be managed in a proper format so that the businesses can understand everything very clearly(Bordan, 1965). The presentation should be based on real data. For other purposes the internet marketing will be the prior option. Marketing, on social media websites, SEO and the e-mail marketing should be used for communicating with the people. The other ways of marketing will be the telemarketing, magaz ine and newspaper advertisements, hoardings and templates distribution. All the above marketing methods should be well arranged in a managed way for the best results. Distribution Channels Generally, the distribution channel of the courier service is very complex. Same is in the case of CourierPlease. The distribution channel of the CourierPlease includes various steps like booking, receiving the product to be delivered and the delivery of the product safely. For booking of the product to be delivered, CourierPlease uses the franchisees as well as the internet. Customers can book both at the office as well as the internet(Aze, 2012). The receiving of the parcel to be delivered can be collected by an employee of CourierPlease or even the consumer can deliver the parcel at the office. The parcel is then sent to the destination office and then it is delivered to the exact destination. Customer Service Customer service of CourierPlease includes the before sales service, after sales service, electronic service and personal service. The customer service can be used by the consumers for various purposes like complaining, getting details, and tracking of parcel and the delivery of parcel. One to personal service is also included in the customer service. This includes the booking to parcel, receiving parcel and taking feedback and complaints from the consumers (Chand, 2013). Assessment 2 Success rate of marketing campaign The campaign was really successful up to some extent in attracting the various customers. The number of customers for CourierPlease has increased. If we talk about the business to business marketing, various new businesses accepted the services of CourierPlease and the increased use of the service of CourierPlease has been seen for the domestic and occasional market but this can be improved more by putting some extra efforts(Alipour, 2011). Factors present in the success of Campaign Various factors contributed in the success of marketing campaign. For the business to business marketing, the personal presentation to the business executive really helped to add more customers in the customers list of CourierPlease. Internet marketing was the most successful factor of the marketing. In internet marketing campaign, social media marketing helped to attract more customers (Woodruffe, 2008). Changes There is a need of change in the advertisement in the newspapers and magazines. The newspaper marketing should include more popular newspaper and magazines in the market. The other changes are the presentation level to the businesses which should be enhanced. SEO marketing should be improved. Modification The newspapers and the magazines used for the marketing were not much popular. Popular newspaper and magazines should be used for the marketing(Lee, 2009). Some business has commented on the presentation which is not much clarifying the services of the organization. Thus, the presentation level for the organizations should be improved. As the organization uses the internet as the source of businesses, thus the SEO should be focused more to improve position in the market. Bibliography Courier Please: About Us. (2015). Retrieved March 23, 2015, from Courier Please: Alipour, M. (2011). The role of service marketing mix and its its impact. 73-77. Aze, E. D. (2012). Marketing concept for courier service. 23- 45. Bordan, N. (1965). The concept of markting mix. Science in marketing, 386-397. Chand, S. (2013). Markenting Mix: 4 Elements of marketing . Retrieved march 23, 2015, from Your Article Library: Judd, V. (1987). Differentiate with the 5th P: Paople. Inustrial marketing management, 241-247. Kotler, P. (2010). Marketing management. London: Pearson Publishing House. Lee, C. (2009). A Review of Marketing mix: 4Ps or Mor? International journal of marketing studies, 2-6. MSI. (2012). Sourier Services. MSI, 1-13. Sharma, H. (2005). Services Marketing mix. 456- 470. Woodruffe, H. (2008). Marketing services . Tehran: Amir Kabir publication.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Knights and Samurais Essay Example
Knights and Samurais Paper Many people often see little similarity between the country of Japan and Europe. However, there are actually several similarities between these two countries. In fact, Reischauer and Jansen note that Feudal Japan had departed so far from East Asian norms that it was more similar to medieval Europe than it was to China. Thus, the knight of Europe and the samurai of Japan despite a lack of contact with one another shared several common elements. This was a result of many similarities social and cultural influences experienced by the two distant countries. Japan has a history that dates back thousands of years. Researchers believe the Japanese people descended from many groups that migrated to the islands from other parts of Asia, including China and Korea. As early as 4500 B.C., the Japanese islands were inhabited by fishermen, hunters and farmers. The early culture was known as Jomon, named after the cord pattern pottery crafted by the people at the time.Major Japanese cultural changes occurred about 200 B.C. The people were known as Yayoi. The Yayoi were mostly farmers. It is believed that the present-day Japanese closely resemble the Yayoi in appearance and language. Ancient Yayoi warriors developed weapons, armor and a code during the ensuing centuries that became the centerpiece for the Japanese samurai. War played a central part in the history of Japan. Warring clans controlled much of the country. A chief headed each clan; made up of related families. The chiefs were the ancestors of Japans imperial family. The wars were usually about land useful for the production of rice.In fact, only 20% of the land was fit for farming. The struggle for control of that land eventually gave rise to the Samurai. One of the important dates in the history of the Japanese warring class is 660 B.C. Thats when, according to legend, Emperor J immu became head of a confederation of warlike clans. We will write a custom essay sample on Knights and Samurais specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Knights and Samurais specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Knights and Samurais specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer
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